
This is a collection of the most “funny” uses of uWSGI features

X-Sendfile emulation

Even if your frontend proxy/webserver does not support X-Sendfile (or cannot access your static resources) you can emulate it using offloading (your process/thread will delegate the static file serving to offload threads

; load router_static plugin (compiled in by default in monolithic profiles)
plugins = router_static
; spawn 2 offload threads
offload-threads = 2
; files under /private can be safely served
static-safe = /private
; collect the X-Sendfile response header as X_SENDFILE var
collect-header = X-Sendfile X_SENDFILE
; if X_SENDFILE is not empty, pass its value to the "static" routing action (it will automatically use offloading if available)
response-route-if-not = empty:${X_SENDFILE} static:${X_SENDFILE}


this will force HTTPS for the whole site

; load router_redirect plugin (compiled in by default in monolithic profiles)
plugins = router_redirect
route-if-not = equal:${HTTPS};on redirect-permanent:https://${HTTP_HOST}${REQUEST_URI}

and this for /admin

; load router_redirect plugin (compiled in by default in monolithic profiles)
plugins = router_redirect
route = ^/admin goto:https
; stop the chain
route-run = last:

route-label = https
route-if-not = equal:${HTTPS};on redirect-permanent:https://${HTTP_HOST}${REQUEST_URI}

Python Auto-reloading (DEVELOPMENT-ONLY !!!)

In production you can monitor file/directory changes for triggering reloads (touch-reload, fs-reload...).

During development having a monitor for all of the loaded/used python modules can be handy. But please use it only during development.

The check is done by a thread that scans the modules list with the specified frequency:

py-autoreload = 2

will check for python modules changes every 2 seconds and eventually restart the instance.

Hey, use it only in development...